A gas deep fryer is a type of cooking appliance used to fry food by immersing it in hot oil. Unlike electric deep fryers, which are powered by electricity, gas deep fryers are fueled by natural gas or propane. They are commonly used in commercial kitchens, such as restaurants, food trucks, and catering businesses, where large quantities of fried foods are prepared.
Gas deep fryers typically consist of a metal tank or pot that holds the cooking oil and a gas burner located underneath. The burner heats the oil to the desired temperature, allowing food to be submerged and cooked quickly and evenly. These fryers may have one or multiple baskets for frying multiple batches of food simultaneously.


Dimension :  400 x 750 x 850 mm
Type            :   Gas Deep Fryer


Dimension : 400 x 795 x 850 mm
Type            : Fryer 3 Burner Cabinet  

Why choose deep fryer for cooking ?

Crispy Texture: Deep frying produces a crispy and golden exterior on food, creating a satisfying texture that many people enjoy. This makes deep-fried foods like french fries, chicken wings, and onion rings popular choices for indulgent meals or snacks.

Quick Cooking Time: Deep frying is a fast cooking method that allows food to cook quickly at high temperatures. This makes deep fryers ideal for busy households or commercial kitchens where time is of the essence.

Versatility: Deep fryers can be used to cook a wide variety of foods, including meats, vegetables, seafood, and even desserts. This versatility makes them a valuable addition to any kitchen, allowing for a diverse range of menu options.

Consistent Results: Deep fryers are designed to maintain a constant temperature, resulting in consistent cooking results with every batch. This ensures that food cooks evenly and achieves the desired level of crispiness without becoming greasy or undercooked.

Convenience: Using a deep fryer is often more convenient than traditional frying methods, such as pan-frying or shallow frying. Deep fryers typically have built-in temperature controls, timers, and removable baskets for easy frying and cleanup.

Minimal Oil Absorption: When done correctly, deep frying can result in minimal oil absorption by the food, especially if the oil is at the correct temperature and the frying time is brief. This can result in lighter and less greasy fried foods.

Restaurant-Quality Results: Deep fryers allow home cooks to achieve restaurant-quality results with their fried foods. With the right technique and ingredients, homemade fried foods can rival those found in professional kitchens.

Entertaining: Deep fryers can add an element of fun and excitement to social gatherings or parties. Guests can enjoy freshly fried appetizers, snacks, or finger foods, enhancing the overall dining experience.

Overall, choosing a deep fryer for cooking offers numerous benefits, including crispy texture, quick cooking time, versatility, convenience, consistent results, and the ability to achieve restaurant-quality fried foods at home. However, it's essential to use deep fryers safely and in moderation to maintain a balanced diet and minimize health risks associated with fried foods.